Car Rentals: Planning a Weekend Getaway

When I moved to the big city, buying a car seemed like a waste of money. The subway takes me anywhere I want to go, and there are always cabs as a backup. When I do want to get out of the city for a weekend, I arrange for a car rental. Rentals are great for me. I get to choose the type of vehicle that I want, buy insurance to cover the trip, and concentrate on enjoying myself. If the car develops engine trouble, I call the agency and they pick me up in a replacement. Thanks to my club discounts, I even get price breaks on some of my rentals. If you are new to the idea of renting a car, let me help. I'll show you how to get the best terms, including the lowest price. That'll make for a more pleasant trip.

Ways That Semi Truck Drivers Can Stay Healthy On The Road


Truck driving as a career choice is both enjoyable and lucrative. You get to be out on the open road and see North America all while avoiding things like suits and cubicles. It does, however, have some drawbacks in terms of your health.

The CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, states that truck drivers are not the healthiest bunch. With a little effort on your part, staying healthy can become part of your daily routine. Here's what you need to know:

Pack a lunch

It's tempting to eat out all the time when you're on the road. Not only is this bad for your health, but it's also bad for your wallet. Packing a lunch of healthy food will help you avoid the fast-food traps.

Snack right

When you're on the road, it's easy to snack all day long. This can quickly lead to weight gain and other health problems. Make sure you're snacking on healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. When you stop for fuel and a snack on the road, make healthy choices. String cheese, hard-boiled eggs, and nuts are not only healthy snacks but also good sources of protein.

Stay hydrated

It's important to stay hydrated when you're driving. Pack a cooler with bottled water and drink often. Drinking plenty of water will help you avoid dehydration, which can lead to fatigue and other, more serious, health issues.


Truck drivers often sit for long periods of time, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems. To avoid this, make sure you get some exercise every day. A short walk or run is a great way to get your heart pumping and your blood flowing. You can also do some simple exercises outside your cab, such as sit-ups, push-ups, and squats. 

Get your sleep

While the DOT, Department of Transportation, may mandate how many hours you have to rest before driving again, your body also has something to say about it. The average person needs seven to nine hours of sleep to stay healthy.

Avoid tobacco

Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. If you smoke or chew, now is the time to quit. Not only will it improve your health, but it will also save you money.

A career in truck driving is a great opportunity for many people to enjoy their job while earning a nice income. Just remember to stay healthy while doing it.

For more information, contact a company like Mitchell Transport.


16 May 2022